Dr Bryan Hale

DC, MNZCA, Developer of the Hale Technique Applied Kinesiology, Chiropractor

Having studied Chiropractic in Canada graduating in 1974 and then working in NZ and overseas, I settled with my family in Christchurch in 1984 and set up Integrated Health Care with the help of Anne Osmers (who is still with us!). It was then through my own health issues that I started researching and developing the Hale Technique which I am very passionate about and continue to develop and learn new things to apply to best help our patients.

I still see patients 2 days a week, plus mentor and teach associates. I have published my first book ‘Reflections on Health’ about the technique and I am working on another book to be published in 2023.

Dr Belinda Hale

BSc (Psych), BAppSc (Chiro), MNZCA, Specialising in Applied Kinesiology, Chiropractor

After graduating with a Bachelor of Science at Canterbury University, I gained an honours degree in Chiropractic at RMIT in Australia. I feel very passionately about working with the Hale Technique and have experienced its benefits first-hand by being treated with it myself for over 40 years. I am at Integrated Health Care four days a week, I am now a practice owner and divide my time between work and 3 children.

Amanda Crean

Bachelor Physiotherapy, Pilates Instructor, Post graduate Certificates in Acupuncture and Slings Myofascial training

I obtained a Bachelor of Physiotherapy degree from Otago University in 2003. I have always aspired to play a pivotal role in assisting individuals and enhancing their standard of living. After extensively investigating and successfully finishing numerous postgraduate courses, I consistently found myself drawn to and captivated by the intricate relationship between the mind and body, emphasising the importance of treating more than just symptomatic relief.

As a patient at Integrated Health Care, I personally experienced the advantages of their care. I was thrilled to have the chance to receive training in the Hale Technique and I am currently enjoying the opportunity to contribute to improving people's lives in an environment that aligns with my own beliefs.

My spouse and I are avid cyclists!

DR Sophie Pepperell

Bachelor of Chiropractic (BChiro), Chiropractor

After graduating from the New Zealand College of Chiropractic I worked in Auckland for 3 years as a Chiropractor. I always knew I would end up working with an approach that improves people’s physical, mental and emotional health. It is with great pleasure that I get to do this with the Hale Technique. My pathway to providing healthcare wasn’t linear, initially studying business. I am curious by nature, and understanding how the body works is one of my greatest joys in life.

I grew up in Wellington, with Auckland being home for the last 8 years, moving to Christchurch to work at Integrated Health Care. I am looking forward to seeing more of the South Island.



Integrated Health Care Practice Manager

I started at Integrated Health Care in 1984 when Bryan first set up practice in Christchurch. We built the practice together and after 38 years I still feel as passionately about the Hale Technique and the service we provide. My husband and I have three children and attribute our good health and well being to the Hale Technique I have witnessed first hand the same in the generations of patients we have treated over the years. I thoroughly enjoy working in such a supportive and inspiring environment.